Designed and directed by Hiroki Nakamura, Visvim has always been synonymous with quality since its first appearance in the Japanese street-wear scene in 2001. With designs taking inspiration from and paying homage to traditional workwear and native American designs, Visvim has grown a highly recognized and desired aesthetic across the globe.

Designed and directed by Hiroki Nakamura, Visvim has always been synonymous with quality since its first appearance in the Japanese street-wear scene in 2001. With designs taking... read more »
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Designed and directed by Hiroki Nakamura, Visvim has always been synonymous with quality since its first appearance in the Japanese street-wear scene in 2001. With designs taking inspiration from and paying homage to traditional workwear and native American designs, Visvim has grown a highly recognized and desired aesthetic across the globe.

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Visvim Comber Bag (L) 0124203003031 Visvim Comber Bag (L)
€965.00 *
Visvim Comber Bag (M) 0124203003030 Visvim Comber Bag (M)
€905.00 *
Visvim Beuys Trekker-Folk 0124202002003 Visvim Beuys Trekker-Folk
€1,170.00 *
Visvim Cordura 20L Backpack 0124203003035 Visvim Cordura 20L Backpack
€920.00 *
Visvim Cordura 20L Backpack 0124203003035 Visvim Cordura 20L Backpack
€920.00 *
Visvim Cordura 20L Backpack 0124203003035 Visvim Cordura 20L Backpack
€920.00 *
Visvim Americana II Eye-Folk 0124102002009 Visvim Americana II Eye-Folk
€1,215.00 *
Visvim Fabro-Folk Visvim Fabro-Folk
€1,900.00 *
Visvim Skynyrd Ring Moc-Folk 0124102002005 Visvim Skynyrd Ring Moc-Folk
€1,165.00 *
Visvim Wallace Deck Folk 0123102002004 Visvim Wallace Deck-Folk
€1,180.00 *
Visvim Hockney-Folk 0123102002003 Visvim Hockney-Folk
€995.00 *
Visvim Hockney-Folk 0123102002003 Visvim Hockney-Folk
€995.00 *
Visvim Hockney-Folk 0123102002003 Visvim Hockney-Folk
€995.00 *
Visvim Virgil Boots-Folk 0123102002007 Visvim Virgil Boots-Folk
€1,120.00 *
Visvim Kanawa Moc Mid-Folk Visvim Kanawa Moc Mid-Folk
€1,210.00 *